This post is aimed to understand princess seams or princess lines, their types and the impact of princess lines on the appearance of the wearer. This post is an attempt to design a princess line silhouette for a person with a figure type that is usually not suitable to try princess line.
Hi Tantu friend!
How are you? Hope you are doing great! Colour of the season is ready to change! We are all set to send off monsoon and to welcome autumn-winter in India! New season! New weather! New colour! Let us feel it as never before!
After a long time, I am here to share a new project. Today I will tell you what made me to start liking princess lines. Before that, let me explain what are princess lines.
Understanding Princess line/Princess Seam
Princess-lines are the shaped seams that run along the garment forming a dart less 3-dimensional shape.
Princess Line Types
Following are the princess line types:
1. Princess Line directed from armhole

Princess Line (from armhole)
2. Princess Line directed from shoulder

Princess Line (from Shoulder)
3. Princess line directed from neck line

Princess Line (from Neck line)
4. Princess line that joins at the centre

Princess Line (into centre)
In the princess seam garments, the fullness is achieved because of the curved seams instead of darts. Princess seams can be given at bodice as well as skirt or trousers. Two princess seams are given at front and two more are given at back. They conceal darts in them. That means, curved seams are given in the dart position.
Princess seams: Style tips
Princess seams make the waist look narrow. In addition to slim appearance,

Princess Seams Style Tips
Why did I hate princess seams?
Now I will tell you why was I hating princess lines. If you observe, the princess lines enhance shoulder and waist lines. Shoulder line looks wider and waist line seems narrower and longer. These two impacts are not suitable for my figure type, as wider shoulder or narrower and longer waist looks odd on me.
What made me to think of Princess Lines?
A request for princess line blouse was placed before me from Ms Priya Kamath, a student of mine. It was a challenge for a designer in me. Knowing that the style doesn’t suit me, I had to modify it to look good. Then flashed an idea of using raglan style and princess style together.
I sketched the princess styles over a raglan style sari blouse design.

Raglan Style with Princess Line (from armhole)
The sketch shown above is a princess line directing towards the armhole. I felt, this creates a lot of confusion in viewing.

Raglan style with Princess Line (from neckline)
Another sketch shown above is a princess line that directs towards the neck line. Hmm, this is perfect for my need. In this style, shoulder is not enhanced. Slendered waist line is not that much to consider in a sari blouse. If it was a Kurta or Kameez, then, it is a matter to be considered.
Thus, design got finalised. Shall we look at pattern making for princess line and sewing princess line blouse in the coming posts?
Hey, I know you all have a question in your minds that why haven’t I posted for all these days. I am sorry. Let me tell you about that long story in short. I had been to my native twice in a month. It was to assist my parents and my mother-in-law who had come to Pune for the first time. It was very exciting to show them the city to the possible extent. One month got over in doing up and down! I was not habituated to such a busy schedule. I fell ill. Nothing serious, but, I could not concentrate on preparing for a post for one more month. I could only scribble a few lines in my Arts Blog.
I am still recovering from cold and cough. But, I hope weekly posting in Tantu will not be affected by that.
Before signing off let me show you the finished blouse.

Princess-line Raglan Style Sari Blouse
Please feel free to leave your valuable comments.
Take care!
Bye until the next post!
I didn’t even know there was something called Princess Line. Enlightened 🙂
I am glad that you found this post useful 🙂 Thanks for stopping by! Visit again!
Amazing. I am little choosy about clothes I wear and like to wear simple clothes. It is wonderful that you share insights about designing.
Thanks Pankaj! Simplicity is the best and I appreciate that always! Highly enriched traditional Indian fashion reveals the same!
Thanks for your valuable words!
I knew A line… princess line is new to me too. 🙂
Oh! I hope this post has helped you to understand princess line at least to some extent 🙂 Thanks for reading and having spent your precious time to leave a reply here!
Thanks lot maam I had knowledge of only princessline directed from armhole u filled my brain with full … of knowledge no more doubts.. waiting … for u next post.
You are one among the intelligent students of mine dear 🙂 I am glad that this post helped you in understanding Princess Lines 🙂 Will post the continued part mostly on Wednesday. Have a great day dear!
I tried 2-3 princess cut blouse, all are flat from front. It doesn’t form cups like that of yours shown in above picture. Plzzzzzz explain in details the cutting of princess cut blouse with msmt. I’ll be really grateful to you.
Sure Arja… Will post it soon. Don’t worry! We will solve it 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and leaving this precious comment that may help many people!
Eagerly waiting for your princess cut post
Hi Arja,
Thanks a lot for reading my post on Princess-lines and leaving your request. I am glad if ever I could help you. I would like to know a few details before I write a post. They are:
1. Have you read all the posts by me in Princess-line series? There are three posts:
I am sure you have read the first post, where you have placed your request. Second link is about cutting princess-line pattern, which is very important for shaping the patterns. I guess, something has gone wrong here while you were working. Third link is about stitching the blouse. So, please let me know if you have read and followed the instructions given in all the three links.
2. Do you know stitching? If yes, have you stitched a normal darted blouse?
Your answers for these questions are important for me to write a post to fit your need 🙂
Waiting for your reply. (This is a copy of the mail sent to you yesterday)
Thanks & Regards,
Sindhu Devi K
First of all thanks for replying and taking interest to sort my problem. Ya,I went thro’ all the above 3 posts. I know stitching as i have learned from tailor master. In none of your post formula is not mentioned. I need formula with msmt,that is missing in post. Though i have never stitched normal darted blouse but mastered in katori blouse. Whenever i stitch princess cut blouse its flat from front(armhole one,not the neckline one), its not mounded as shown in your green blouse. I’m eagerly waiting for your tutorial with formula. pls help
Thanks for the details Arja! Will post it as soon as possible! Keep visiting! TC!
dear mam, I am a bit plumped will this style match me?
Absolutely Joshma! Princess-lines would definitely match you! You may choose a darker side parts over lighter centre parts. Check it and let me know the result 🙂
Thanks for your visit! Hope you had a great time in Tantu! Visit again! TC!
Hi I am 50 yrs old, my daughter is interested in princess cut blouse. I had the same problem of Arja, i really need the formula for these blouses.Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the visit Umaji 🙂 It is an honour to have a talented lady here!
I have posted about making a basic sari blouse pattern here:
I hope this would help you 🙂 Visit again! TC!
thank you for blogging about princess line…i am your new fan from malaysia
My pleasure Suezane 🙂 It’s an honour to have a sweet and enthusiastic reader from beautiful Malaysia! I’m happy that you liked my princess-line post.
TC! Keep smiling 🙂 Keep visiting 🙂
Read your blog, I would like to know more about 4th pattern of princess cut”center cut, measurement and cutting.
Can you pls explain it
I’ve discovered my passion for sewing only a couple of years cback. Still learning! So I’m an enthusiast all by myself. .. n blogs, tutorials like yours are great learning tools for amateurs like me.
Thanks for sharing. Pls keep posting ways to give your dresses professional look… n other sewing tips
Great job.. thanks a ton!!